The Prime Echo - A New Pattern In Prime Numbers

The Prime  Echo  is named for its visual resemblance to a  graphical depiction of sound waves.

    These circles, where they make contact  on both sides, represent the positions of Prime numbers along a number line. The center point of this number line is the number Thirty (30). This extreme zoomed out view reduces the details along the number line, so the next image provides a close up view along the number line with the Prime numbers marked.

    The full circles could not be shown in the close-up view so the green numbers indicate the left and right halves of each circle. The green number 23 on the left side will correspond to the green number 23 on the right, for example.

    The Structure of this pattern is based on the curious fact that so many of the Primary numbers on either side of 30 are equidistant from this center.. But this is just the starting point. There are many more sub-patterns to be found, the more the pattern is studied. It is expected that this pattern continues and expands out to infinity.

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